RECWORK (NZ) is a consultancy that specialises in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. We can build a team of professionals for a specific task, large or small.
We did undertake a variety of services including:
- Recreation and Tourism Planning
- Parks and Reserves Planning
- DOC Concession applications, processes and safety planning
- Asset Management
- Project Management
- Outdoor Recreation planning
- Social Surveys & Research
- Antarctic field logistics, travel and safety
- Environmental and Community Governance
However, please note that Rex has now retired. Please contact us if you would like a referral. Thanks.
Projects include:
- Te Kāhui o Taranaki Reserves Management Plan 2019 - 2029 (29 properties)
- Land Inventory - Schedule 2 Te Kāhui o Taranaki Settlement
- Okoki Pa Historic Reserve Management Plan 2017 - 2025 for Ngati Mutunga
- Destination Taranaki - Taranaki Tourism Strategy - joint venture consultant
- "Discover Taranaki" - establishment, consultation and concession process for new tourism venture in Taranaki
- Regional advice - Walking Access Commission
- Kapiti Island Tourism Concessions - facilitate style change and re-tender concessions
- Te Araroa Trust - The Long Pathway; Feasibility Study Whanganui to Bulls
- Taranaki Regional Sport & Physical Activity Strategy
- Egmont National Park "3 Peaks Track" Fieldwork
- Pinnacle Health PHO; Strategic Business Plan
- South Taranaki District Council Active Recreation Strategy
- 'Operation Egmont 2009' Communications Plan [DOC]
- Iwi Consultation, Concession/RMA Processing [DOC]
- Antarctic Field Guide and Lecturer, Orion Antarctic Expeditions and "The World"
Recent governance;
- New Zealand Antarctic Society, President, 2022->
- Land Search and Rescue New Zealand (LandSAR NZ) Board 2011 - 2017; Chair 2015 - 2017
- Western Institute of Technology in Taranaki (WITT) Council 2010 - 2017
- Taranaki-Whanganui Conservation Board 2007 - 2014; Chair 2012-14
- Community Environmental Representative, Taranaki Regional Transport Committee 2008 - 2013
Contact details:
RECWORK (NZ), 804 Egmont Road, R.D. 2, New Plymouth 4372, New Zealand.
Mobile: 027 636 5460
email: rexhendry001 at
The Principal for RECWORK (NZ) is Rex Hendry, MAppMgt, BA (Soc), Dip Mgt, Dip Rec & Sport, Cert Outdoor Ed (UK)
Rex has over 30 years work experience in the parks, recreation and tourism industry.
- NZ Adventurer of the Year Finalist 1984
- A.N.Z.A.C. Fellow 1992
- NZ Recreation Association Outstanding Project Award 1994
- Air New Zealand Tourism Management Prize 2002
- NZ Special Services Medal (Erebus) 2007
- NZRA Accredited Professional 2010
'A Wee Walk in the Wilderness'
'Acorn to Acorn'
'Recreation Facility Management Handbook'
'A Guide to Green-Fringe Activities'
'Hoods in the Woods'
Hendry, R. (1993). User pays, who pays? The State of Leisure: 1st ANZALS Conference, February, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland. User Pays, Who Pays?
Master's Thesis (2022):
Organisational Culture Meets Flexibility: Research into the relationship between organisational culture, adaptability, resilience and collaboration: Local authorities NZ